7 Vows and their Significance

Introduction: In the excitement of D-day people generally fret a lot since it is such a hectic thing to plan and most importantly it is the fulfillment of dreams to many. Everybody wishes their big day to be lavish, pompous if possible a bit extravagant and  many other things. But among all those things the vital part is about following traditions. The Indian Hindu marriages accustoms to these traditions and their sacredness, significance irrespective of style, place and all. One such sacred ritual is the Seven Vows commonly called as “Saat…

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Increase in Love Marriages

Introduction: A father’s biggest wish and thinks of as his greatest responsibility upon seeing a daughter/son being born into his family is her/his wedding day. The anticipation of that day is too much for any father or any family. From the olden days where groom’s selection is the decision that solely depends on a father but not the girl who will be marrying him or you can say vice versa father choosing a bride for his son, times have definitely changed .   image source Love marriages became such common thing these…

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Easy steps to remove Blackheads before wedding day

Introduction: Blackheads are blocked pores (hair follicles) in the skin that are filled with skin , an oily substance. Blackheads occur mainly on the face and nose and are a common problem  especially those with oily skin. Blackheads can be called first stage acne, before bacteria enters the clogged pores. Image source Blackheads occur , when overactive sebaceous glands produce excessive oil. So before go to remedies we have to take care on the food that we take.So that we can avoid to some extent.Mainly we avoid food with excess…

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